veebruar, 2015

28veebr11:00Contemporary dance workshop: What transforms the movement into dance? | Luz Arcas /La Pharmaco (Spain)

Event Details

28.02 at 11.00 Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (Telliskivi 60a)

Contemporary dance workshop: What transforms the movement into dance?

Luz Arcas /La Pharmaco (Spain)

The workshop is departs from fixed structures of movement that will be examines separately from the point of view of technique and expression, addressing them from the peculiarities of interpreter-dancer and bringing them closer to his/her personal universe. Having studied them, they will be yielded to a concrete time and space: once all the structures are assembles, the focus will be on transitions, intensity, accents, textures and intention until creating a complex composition and finding its significance: what transforms movements into dance.

Luz Arcas studied choreography in Madrid and obtained a degree as a theatre director from RESAD (Royal School of Dramatic Arts of Spain). She has studied contemporary dance under such teachers as David Zambrano, Erna Omarsdottir, Iñaki Azpillaga, Bruno Carverna, DD Dorvillier, etc. She has also studied flamenco in Madrid and Seville and kathak dance in Spain and in India. Having worked in many companies as a dancer and an independent director, she created in 2009 her own company La Pharmaco where she studies movement and stage through intuition. The works of La Pharmaco have have received many awards and gained much recognition in Spain.

The workshop is suitable for all regardless of previous experience.

For more information:

ticket: 16€

Luz Arcas 2


(Laupäev) 11:00