juuni, 2022

03juuni18:0019:15Closure of Iberofest 2022: concert of Tallinn International Youth Orchestra

Event Details

The Tallinn International Youth Orchestra (TIYO) is the orchestra for young musicians who want to play in a professional environment. The idea of the orchestra is to make artistic and educational projects.

The presentation concert of TIYO is part of the IBEROFEST.

Concert program:

– “KOIT” by Heino Eller.
– “CANTOS CANARIOS” by Teobaldo Power, arranged by Colin Price.
– “DANZON NO.2” by Arturo Márquez.
– “AMOR BRUJO” by Manuel de Falla.
– “PASODOBLE ISLAS CANARIAS” by Josep Tarridas, arranged by Eduardo Armas.

Conductor: Eladio Aguilar.
Solist: Heljä Viirakivi.

Ticket: 8 euros

Tickets are available here: https://fienta.com/tallinn-international-youth-orchestra-iberofest-2022


(Reede) 18:00 - 19:15


Kumu Auditoorium

Valge 1 10127 Tallinn


Embajada de Españaemb.tallin.ofc@maec.es Liivalaia 13, 6ª planta